
目前顯示的是 9月, 2009的文章

[JSP]XP安裝Tomcat 6.0

  之前都是使用 Server 2003 或是 Linux-like 做為 JSP 的開發環境,前陣子為了換小筆電而做準備、把開發環境換成 XP ,希望可以無痛升級。然而在安裝 Tomcat 6.0 後不知為何總是無法啟動,在檢查了 Log 檔之後發現了問題所在,茲做筆記以作借鏡。   操作系统是 WINDOWS XP SP3 ,JDK 版本是 1.6。查看 Log 發現: Starting service... [2009-09-23 20:13:19] [174 javajni.c] [error] 找不到指定的模組。 [2009-09-23 20:13:19] [986 prunsrv.c] [error] Failed creating java C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_04\bin\client\jvm.dll [2009-09-23 20:13:19] [1260 prunsrv.c] [error]   後來查資料才知道,原來是因為 XP 系統缺少 msvcr71.dll 所造成的,上網下載了這檔並放到 Windows\System32 目錄下,重啟系統,問題解決!

I Adore You...by Stranger than Fiction

I adore you. Sometimes, when we lose ourseleves in fear and despair in routine and constancy... in hopelessness and tragedy... ...we can thank God for Bavarian surgar cookies, And fortunately, when there aren't any cookies... ...we can still find reassurance in a familiar hand on our skin... ...or a kind and loving gesture... ...or a subtle encouragement... ...or a loving embrace... ...or an offer of comfort. Not to mention hospital gurneys... ...and nose plugs... ...and uneaten Danish... ...and soft-spoken secrets... ...and Fender Stratocasters... ...and maybe the occasional piece of fiction. And we must remenber that all these things... the nuances, the anomalies, the subtleties... which we assume only accessorize our days... ...are, in fact, here for a much larger and nobler cause; They are here to save our lives, I know the idea seems strange. But I also know that it just so happens to be true, And so it was;