
目前顯示的是 8月, 2005的文章

Google Talk On-Line!!

介紹Google Talk之前先告知一個消息。 MSN 7.5已經開放下載了,但因為沒有自動更新,所以有需要的朋友請自抓自玩哩! 基本上雖然我並不是強烈的反微軟主義者,但是只要能夠找得到可以取代M$的,我都會儘量的去使用。 題外話~ Google Talk Beta於今天(8/24)上線了~ 下載網址: http://www.google.com/talk *雖然是Beta版。 *雖然是英文介面。 *介面還蠻簡潔的。 *雖然要有G-Mail帳號才能登入。 但是,大家一起來使用吧!!Google所推出的軟體,從Hello、G-Mail、Search等,其實都蠻綠色的,也就是不太佔電腦資源,功能也都蠻完整和強大的。 和MSN相同的是可以直接收G-Mail的信件哩! 所以如果不排斥英文介面的人,一起來使用吧! P.S:沒G-Mail帳號的人,可以跟我要喔!(拜託!!趕快讓我把100封邀請函寄出去啦!)

The Universe is Winning~~

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, And the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots, So far, The Universe is winning ~by Rich Cook http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/781.html The article was shake my mind at first time to see it. I ever said: "Desigh Program is easily...Desigh Mind is hardly!!" Sometimes, the program can't be closer. It isn't have bugs or The coder make stupid mistake that must kill themselve. The User is kingdom .